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Nam Smart Magnetic Eyelashes Fetishist

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11.50 INC VAT

You can put on and remove magnetic ready-to-wear eyelashes from NAM without glue or tears – in one move, as many times as you want!


Easy to apply and comfortable to wear. Express and glue less. Additionally, it is reusable and comes in two length variants. SMART MAGNETIC EYELASHES synthetic eyelashes from NAM are a product dedicated to professionals and an innovative solution for everyone who values time and the power of a magnetic look!

How to use

SMART MAGNETIC EYELASHES do not require the use of glue, and the effect of long, thick and sensual eyelashes is immediately visible. Just draw a standard line with Smart Magnetic Eyeliner on the movable eyelid, along the lash line, and then pull the eyelashes to it. Quickly and without tears! Thanks to their magnetic property, SMART MAGNETIC EYELASHES are a reusable product – always ready and for many occasions. NOTE: Magnetic application of SMART MAGNETIC EYELASHES eyelashes is only possible with the SMART MAGNETIC EYELINER eyeliner by NAM.


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